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My darling Clementine, 4 years and 40 lbs ago. |
So, four days after my birthday in April of 2008, I loaded a small kennel and a good friend into the car and set out to pick up my new baby. When I finally arrived at my destination, I discovered that the puppy I had expected to take home was actually some sort of half dog-half puppy hybrid, not to mention the most gangly creature I'd ever laid eyes on. She was wearing an old, faded red collar with extra holes punched in it in order to fit her properly, and she cowered when the children of the house wandered by. She was so desperate to be please, so pitiful and tentative....It was love at first sight.
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Playing copilot. She rides better these days, |
When everyone had said their goodbyes and it was time to load her up, I realized she definitely wouldn't fit into the kennel that I brought along. I stashed it in the trunk and opened the back door of the car, ready to welcome Clementine to her new life. She was so unsure as she climbed into the car. She was hunched low to the ground with her tail between her legs, and she quickly folded herself into a tiny ball on the floor of the back seat. There was absolutely no amount of coaxing that would get her to move onto the seats themselves, each time I tried to place her there comfortably, she would wince and whine. Finally, I gave up, deciding that she probably knew what would make her most comfortable. It was a boring, quiet trip home. She didn't move a muscle or make a sound, she just laid in a sad little ball on the floor.
The first several weeks were HARD. Clementine was a difficult dog to train and a difficult creature
to contend with. After all, she was young and full of energy. She was in that horrible teething stage
Despite any and all of her flaws, my love for her only got stronger as time went on. There's nothing quite like the feeling of coming home after a long day to see your dog's eyes turn into cartoon hearts the moment they lay eyes on you. The relationship I was in at the time, like most of my relationships up to that point, was built on a foundation of loneliness and an inability to stand on my own. We were companions (bad ones) and that was pretty much it. Clementine was my first experience with unconditional love.
That was also when I was in the beginning stages of working through my depression after the mental hospital. I was going to therapy, I was taking a plethora of different medications (for a plethora of different mental health ailments), I was reading a lot of philosophy.... Basically, I was just trying to learn how to be a happy, healthy person. That's when Clementine started to change my life.
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Grown up, going gray, and too fat for her chair. |
my life because she was bored and all hopped up on youth, I started taking her for walks regularly. Not only did that seem to quench her thirst for destruction, but I noticed a marked improvement in my mood after our walks. After a week or two of consistent walks, she began to leave slack in the leash. She stopped worrying about every passing smell and squirrel and we were able to walk the entirety of the town without me feeling like my arms were going to fall out of their sockets. She began listening to me at home, she began coming to her name 10 times out of 10. She started to understand how to sit, how to lay, how to roll over. I'd never been so proud of anything. Each time she learned or accomplished something new, my heart would swell with pride. It took her a while, but she finally accepted me as leader of the pack and as a consistent presence in her life. I may have decided that she was my dog the day I got her, but it took Clementine a lot longer to decide that I was her person.
Eventually, the relationship I was in fell apart. He had been seeing another woman, and even though I had suspected for some time, I was devastated. We were living together, so we had to divide the assets and figure out who would take what to their new life. It wasn't exactly amicable, but he knew better than to fight me on dog custody. He moved in with his new girlfriend while Clementine and I moved back home with my parents.
It ended up being the ideal situation for the two of us. She loved my parent's ancient Collie, and it
wasn't long before she started imitating their dog's behavior. In less than a month, that frail, graying puffball had my dog better trained than I had in almost a year. My parent's house also provided Clementine with a dead-end street and almost an acre of property to explore. I was able to trust her outside without a leash or tie-out in almost no time.

She still acts like that when I take her out, though her run has slowed to an enthusiastic trot.
Throughout the last several years, my dog has been a constant source of smiles, happiness, cuddles and companionship. On my darkest, saddest days, when I feel low and worthless, I just look at her face and take comfort in knowing that I sure did something right with her.
The gangly little dog that I brought home from that trailer park in 2008 has swelled into a 95 lb cuddle monster with a passion for car rides, cuddles and blankets. She is jealous and bashful and protective and fierce, but she's also gentle and self-conscious. She helped teach me about what it means to loyal and trusting. She helped me realize what unconditional love actually looks like.
More than anything, though, Clementine has taught me that you can solve any problem and face any obstacle as long as you have patience, compassion and a sense of humor. I'm so grateful that I took a chance and adopted this ridiculous, emotive little beast, but I'm far more grateful to be her person.